Tuesday 3 February 2009

In Praise of Slow Quilting

My quilt is finished after two years, it has been a deliberately slow and enjoyable process from start to finish. After years of quilting I always come back to the slowest method which I think gives the finished quilt real depth. I have made machine sewn quilts, speedily cut with a rotary blade and stitched together in isolation at the sewing machine, and although the results have been good they have none of the feel or memories of a hand sewn piece. I like to remember the making, the history of the different fabrics and the friends who donated some of them, all the seperate processes it has involved, the time that has passed and the things that have happened as the quilt has formed.

1 comment:

linda miller said...

Your quilt is just beautiful, you have such an eye for putting colour combinations together, i will never understand how you make them which makes me admire and covert your pieces even more.
Whats the next one going to be?

Love from lin